MAI Learning is the future

Welcome to Norway’s first online education platform focused on artificial intelligence.

Why and what are we doing?

The introduction of artificial intelligence faces challenges such as technological limitations, ethical concerns, stigmatization, and the need for extensive training.

By guiding users in the practical use of A.I. through a combination of relevant disciplines and large language models, we address these issues and ensure responsible integration into society as a whole. Our digital and physical courses differentiate themselves by being done with:



Our digital and physical courses for companies are made on-demand to align with their work processes, while curriculum-based digital courses are optimized based on feedback from students and educators to ensure the best possible learning outcomes


As a young team raised in the digital age, we excel at navigating the dynamic AI market through continuous learning from both internal and external partners. Leveraging these skills, our team consistently delivers high-quality services.


Both the digital and physical courses introduce interactive tasks to help participants and organizations understand the material taught and apply it in practice immediately.

Our customers

Digital licenses

We offer individual licenses for our general A.I courses, covering the practical usecases of large language models, right at your fingertips

Physical courses

Is your business wondering how to leverage large language models? Let us create a custom course for your company. Read more here or contact us to explore what we can offer you.

Digital on-demand

In addition to offering our physical courses online, we can provide easy access to your customized course for every member of your company through our video course platform.

Are you representing a company, organization or municipality?

Contact us and get and individual offer based on your needs

Tools we use

Course catalog

Testimonials from customers and professionals

"Now I know what A.I. is AND how to use it!"

stars out of 5
From customers
Ungdomsskolen i Vadsø
"You receive help to understand school in a better way and learn better."

Students @ Vadsø ungdomsskole (license consumers)
"Good introduction to what AI is and the differences in how to use various AI services. I'm certain it's not just the United Nations Association that can use it to streamline our workday."
Advisor @ UN association (online course customer)
K.I. professor Morten Goodwin
"These three are really onto something futuristic! It's possible to personalize education in a whole new way by tailoring tasks to students' interests."
Morten Goodwin, A.I. professor - University of Agder
FeFo eiendomsforvalter
"M.A.I. Learning was crucial for us to gain insight into the careful use of language technology reference works."

FeFo, Property managing (physical course customer)
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